These observed sensory signs are interpreted by our brains. That
interpretation is influenced by what it already knows from earlier
observations. It’s that interpretation that subsequently incites us to action; to
exhibit behaviour. Behaviour that, in turn, is observable by means of new
sensory signs which are interpreted by our brains again. And that completes the
cycle of us, humans, in our capacity as information (sign) processing beings.
C.S. Peirce (1839-1914) digested this knowledge into ‘his’ semiotic triad (1902). Objects in reality produce Meaning (interpretations) in our brains
– never immediate; always via the Signs picked up by our senses. As said:
these Signs are always in between. Signs refer on the one hand to Objects in
reality. On the other hand these very same Signs yield Meaning in our individual
Current IT practice, however, takes a direct and fixed connection
between Object and Meaning for granted. It’s simply an unquestioned ‘fact’. But
as we can readily learn from Peirce, such an absolute connection does not
exist. Peirce teaches us that the Object-Meaning connection always ‘goes’ via
picked up Signs. It’s the Signs (information) that refer to Objects (entities) in
reality as well as yield Meaning (interpretations) in our individual brains.
The semiotic triad explains that one and the same event observed at one
and the same point in time by two observers standing side by side can (and
often will) yield two rather differing interpretations. For each observer comes
with his/her own individual brain – loaded with a unique set of associated interpretations
that developed over time by the individual reception of many, many signs.
Even the recollection of a certain event by one person at differing
moments in time can (and often will) yield different interpretations. For both
memories are ‘separated’ by an entire collection of interpretations – caused by
a multitude of received signs. Were you always just as afraid of spiders (or
snakes) as you are now? Various and varying experiences with objects over time create
a developing interpretation/meaning of these objects. This, of course, greatly
influences your relation to – and behaviour with these objects.
At the same time the semiotic triad makes it obvious that human
interpretation of information/signs picked up from reality not only is an
outright subjective matter, but also a highly dynamic activity. Modern information
technology makes information/signs available in bulk in less than no time for
any one at any time and any place. IT thoroughly permeated and transformed
traditional society into full fledged information society. And meaning of
information became unmistakably agile as a consequence of ever more and ever varying
streams of signs (information) coming in from anywhere, about anything and
In traditional society things changed at rather low paces – as a
‘consequence’, meaning of information was assumed to be fixed. Nowadays –
information society – that assumption lost most of its ‘validity’. Meaning of
information can’t be defined at forehand anymore – as we used to do. Instead,
meaning of information now… happens on the fly.
Ever increasing dynamics of contemporary information society now requires
IT to effectively and efficiently facilitate human interpretation of signs. Unfortunately
IT still largely fails to meet this pressing requirement. A reality in which change
counts as the only constant, requires a new orientation towards the coming
about of meaning of information (interpretation of signs). And Peirce’s
semiotic triad shows us the onset of a New and Productive path. Don’t you
This column is a Sign as well. A sign that refers you to (objects in)
reality. A sign that requests you to further develop and to (re)consider
established ideas on the coming about of meaning of information.
What do you think? Does the coming about of meaning of information remain
fixed and absolute – do you stick to the good old IT paradigm? Or… do you want
to turn off to a far more productive path? A path on which meaning of
information comes about individually and dynamically.
Copyright (c) 2011 Emovere/Jan van Til - All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2011 Emovere/Jan van Til - All rights reserved.